Guidance Note for VASPs Other on Implementation of AMLCFT Programmes

This Guidance Note is issued by the Non-Bank Financial Institution Regulatory Authority (NBFIRA), pursuant to Section 49 (1) (c) of the Financial Intelligence Act, 2022 as amended in 2025 (FI Act), read with Section 5 (2) (e) of the Non-Bank Financial Institution Regulatory Authority Act, 2023 (NBFIRA Act), which empowers the Authority to issue instructions or guidelines to help non-bank financial institutions (NBFIs/regulated entities) comply with the FI Act.

The FI Act sets obligations for regulated entities including those conducting virtual assets business to detect and prevent the occurrence of financial crimes including money laundering, terrorism and proliferation financing (ML/TF/PF) within or through their operations. By raising awareness of their obligations and providing practical guidance, this document seeks to assist entities conducting virtual assets (VA) businesses including virtual assets service providers (VASPs) to effectively detect, prevent and report suspected financial crimes, and ensure compliance with regulatory requirements. It describes how the FI Act applies to the unique operational activities in the VA business to help entities better understand how they should implement FI Act obligations effectively.


Guidance Note for VASPs Other on Implementation of AMLCFT Programmes